In Over My Head

I thought I would be healed by now. Instead, I’m pregnant. I thought I had an idea of how God would work. But I never imagined this. I thought I couldn’t handle another thing. But now I am in way over my head. A feeling I literally experienced many years ago in the ocean water beaches of Costa Rica.

I was 19 years old. The beach was stunning, and the waves were fierce. I was swimming in the ocean enjoying the expanse of God’s power and beauty. Out of nowhere, an undercurrent swept me deep into the water. I struggled violently, seeking to find which way was up. Screaming did not help, only left my mouth full of salty water. Panic overtook me. The more I fought, the more I was tossed. After some time my strength was spent. I couldn’t do anything. I felt myself surrendering to the waves. My heart lifted a final prayer to the Lord, only he could save me now. Somehow in that surrender, my body floated to the surface. I gulped in water and air, choking and spitting with my head just above the water. I was alive, barely. 

I had experienced the saying of being “in over my head.” It was horrible. Frightening. Paralyzing. Completely out of control. But, I learned something at that moment. My fighting and thrashing to find air only plunged me deeper into the water. I was actually working against myself. Only when I surrendered, did my body float to the surface. Whether it was the body’s natural ability to float or God’s miraculous saving, or some of both, it only happened through surrender. 

Bethel Music published a song about this very thing. The first couple of times I heard the song, I disliked it intensely. For too long had I felt “in over my head,” and these days even more so. It certainly wasn\’t something I wanted to sing about. For those unfamiliar with this song, here is a sample of the chorus,

“Then You crash over me and I\’ve lost control but I\’m free
I\’m going under, I\’m in over my head 
And You crash over me, I\’m where You want me to be
I\’m going under, I\’m in over my head
Whether I sink, whether I swim 
Oh it makes no difference when I\’m beautifully in over my head”

Beautifully in over my head? I wouldn’t go that far yet. But, if it’s God’s doing, I would like to say I can’t wait until I’m there. A place where my heart feels at rest and sees the beauty of God’s sovereign plan above my safety and comfort. 

Being in over one’s head is not a new predicament. One psalmist expressed it this way, “Deep calls to deep at the roar of your waterfalls; all your breakers and your waves have gone over me” (Psalm 42:7). He is addressing God here. God has caused his very being to feel as though he is being swallowed up in a torrent of water.

Something I have learned as I surrender more to God is that he is not a safe God. At least not in the way that we think of safety. We all want our safe little lives to stay under control. But, that does not often seem to be God’s way. He is a God of bigger things. To us, his ways may feel risky, dangerous, unorthodox, unnatural, unreasonable, even crazy. But, God is firmly on the throne and his plans will not be thwarted. So, what feels shaky to us, never is so to Him.

And, God is GOOD. After a few months into this pregnancy, I am trusting God more and more. And believing his goodness and blessing through it, even when I don\’t feel it yet. It is the natural human desire to be in control, but there is such a sweetness and comfort in resting fully in our Father\’s arms. Knowing that his love is strong enough to keep us.

12 thoughts on “In Over My Head”

  1. Congratulations on the little one! I will be praying for your strength and health. I’m in over my head in different ways so I appreciated this blog.

    Melissa McDonald


  2. God’s Reality and Plan are indeed “over our heads” dear Daughter! Good work exploring that personally and scripturally, I liked your sentence, “A place where my heart feels at rest and sees the beauty of God’s sovereign plan above my safety and comfort.” Now that takes a lot of growing in both knowledge and trust to get to that point, since this is so against our natural instincts for both safety and comforts. It goes along with the Passion 2020 Conference address by Pastor Piper on Hebrews 12:1-2 that Mom and I just listened to.
    BTW, neither Mom nor I remember you telling us that near death experience in Costa Rica, Karis! Are we just forgetful or were you trying to spare us some worrying?! Dad

  3. Oh my goodness.Bless your PRECIOUS heart.You’ve been through so very much.I know the LJC brought our family’s together through Dr.John Pipers church when you all came there. y You we’re one of Abbys Best friends in YOUTH DEPT..Wow.yrs ago.Then through the Lord calling Lynn&I to IHOPKC&GOD TV for 12yrs we got to spend time with you&your hubby when u all were stationed in TheKansas military base.So very special for us to connect with u to get to know u better&your hubby.I’m in prayer 4 you.I know u HAVE a STRONG unshakeable Walk in a healthy mind set with the LJC.You will come through this pregnacy.Bless you in these months of fully trustin PapaFather God in the midst of it all.Prayin with you in all the challenges of motherhood.Your a beautiful overcomer.What a Godly example TO ALL THAT KNOWS YOU.much love Laura Boyd Reed.

  4. Hi Beauty, inside and out! I am very blessed that you listened and learned from my mothering discipleship years ago when you were little concerning true beauty. It does a mother’s heart good to read this article and now I am learning from you what inner beauty looks like! You have not let suffering get you down; Suffering has only made you more beautiful! Love you always, Mom

  5. Thank you for sharing, my dear sister! ❤️ Trusting our Mighty God with you…He is on the throne indeed as we continue to surrender to Him. So glad you are in my life. 😘

  6. Hey that is an amazing story. I enjoyed reading it and congrats on the new little one coming! 🙂 miss ya and hope u and ur family r doing well.

  7. Congratulations! Praying for you! So encouraged by your words and faith. Thank you for writing and sharing your heart and Truth!!

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